Reflektor LED DAISY BETA 20W NW 2050/2310lm

14,50 €
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Naše zásady ochrany osobných údajov

Our Privacy Policy explains our principles when it comes to the collection, processing, and storage of your information. This policy specifically explains how we employ cookies, as well as the options you have to control them.

  • 1 What are cookies?

    Cookies are small pieces of data, stored in text files that are stored on your computer or other device when websites are loaded in a browser. They are widely used to "remember" you and your preferences, either for a single visit or for multiple repeat visits

  • 2 How we use cookies

    We use cookies for a number of different purposes. Some cookies are necessary for technical reasons; some enable a personalized experience for both visitors and registered users; and some allow the display of advertising from selected third party networks.

  • 3 Controlling Cookies

    Visitors may wish to restrict the use of cookies or completely prevent them from being set. If you disable cookies, please be aware that some of the features of our service may not function correctly

  • 4 Information We Collect

    We only collect information about you if we have a reason to do so-for example, to provide our services, to communicate with you, or to make our services better.

We are committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of our website visitors. We do not collect, sell, rent or trade email lists or any data with other companies and businesses. Have a look at our Privacy Policy page to read detail information on when and why we collect your personal information, how we use it, the limited conditions under which we may disclose it to others and how we keep it secure.

We may change Cookies and Privacy policy from time to time. This policy is effective from 24th May 2018.

– Určený na osvetlenie vonkajších i vnútorných priestorov
– Prachotesná a vodeodolná konštrukcia umožňuje použitie aj v náročnejších podmienkach
– Teleso svietidla tvorí čierno lakovaný hliník, difúzor tepelne odolné tvrdené sklo
– Inštalácia pomocou montážnej konzoly s možnosťou naklápania
– Pre napájanie je vyvedený 25 cm dlhý kábel
– Plochý, kompaktný dizajn s vysokou svetelnou účinnosťou
– Možnosť použitia v podmienkach pri okolitej teplote v rozmedzí -25 +45 °C
– Dlhá životnosť svietidla 25 000 hodín
– Široký vyžarovací uhol 120 °
– Úspora energie až 84% v porovnaní s halogénovými reflektormi
– Možnosť dokúpenia infračerveného PIR senzora GXDS350, ktorý je možné jednoducho nainštalovať jednoduchým zacvaknutím a zaskrutkovaní

Menovité napätie[V]:220-240
Menovitý kmitočet[Hz]:50/60
Menovitý výkon[W]:50
Svetelný tok[lm]:2050
Svetelný tok svetelných zdrojov [lm]:2310
Trieda EEI (2019/2015):F
Farba svetla:neutrálna biela
Teplota chromatickosti Tc[K]:4000
Index farebného podania[Ra]:80
Stupeň krytia IP:IP65
Stupeň mech. ochrany IK:IK07
Trieda izolácie:I
Úspora energie*:84%
* vzhľadom na: halogénový projektor J-R7s (C-Class)


Produkty v rovnakej kategórii: 16